How Dentists Can be Patient Advocates with Physicians

Suitable for both novice and advanced laser users.  Dentists are encouraged to attend with or without their hygienist.

12,500 Americans daily turn 50 years old. Two in three will contract heart disease.  One in four will become diabetic.  Six of 10 will manage more than one disease,doubling needed doctor visits and worsening our physician shortfall.  Learn how dentists can work with physicians to prevent systemic diseases.

Objective 1  Change routine hygiene visits into patient wellness assessments. How to use patient health histories, family health histories, new bacterial testing and probing to diagnose inflammatory health risks, not just periodontal disease so you can speak to MD re:health.

Objective 2  Show how to treatment plan and present 3, 6 and 12 month perio programs that change patient behaviors so you can prove periodontal disease remission to MD’s and increase case acceptance even though insurance doesn’t cover all services.

Objective 3  Show how to get full team support creating healthy patients. Take the “selling” out of hygiene. Patients will ask for treatment and refer their family members before they even know the cost. This must happen before MD involvement.

Objective 4  Use Wellness Assessment Review of Findings to involve physicians support via patient care co-management, which also improves case acceptance. Real cases will be presented to show you how it is being done nationwide.


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