Are you over 40 years old?
As people age, their risk for developing periodontal disease increases. Over half of the adult population has gingivitis, a less severe form of periodontal disease surrounding three to four teeth, and nearly 30% have significant periodontal disease. In a study of people over 70 years old, 86% had at least moderate periodontitis or a severe form of periodontal disease, and over one-fourth of this 86% had lost teeth. The study also showed that the disease accounted for a majority of tooth extractions in patients older than 35 years of age.
Do you smoke or use any tobacco products?
Studies suggest that smokers are 11-times more likely than non-smokers to harbor the bacteria that cause periodontal disease and four-times more likely to have advanced periodontitis. In one study, over 40% of smokers had lost their teeth by the end of their lives. The risk of periodontal disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day. It is important to note that vaping, smoking cigars and pipes carries the same risk as smoking cigarettes.
Do you have diabetes?
There is much evidence showing a link between type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis. Diabetes has been associated with a number of oral complications, including gingivitis and periodontitis, dental caries, salivary gland dysfunction and dry mouth, burning mouth syndrome and increased susceptibility to oral infections. Of particular concern are patients with diabetes who are at an increased risk of developing periodontitis. In these patients, host responses may be impaired, wound healing is delayed and collagenolytic activity may be enhanced. As a result, periodontitis may be a particular problem in patients with diabetes, especially in those with uncontrolled disease.
Diabetes may also contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontitis via associated vascular compromise, deficits in cell-mediated immunity and the presence of a high glucose content in the blood, which enhances bacterial growth. Furthermore, active inflammation characteristics of periodontitis generates compounds that may increase insulin resistance. Therefore, control of periodontal disease may help patients improve metabolic control. Obesity, which is common in type 2 diabetes, may also predispose a person to periodontal diseases.
Do you have a family history (parents or siblings) of diabetes?
Diabetes has been shown to run in families. If someone in your family has diabetes, you may be at greater risk for diabetes and gum disease.
Have you been diagnosed with, or do you have signs/symptoms of heart disease (high blood pressure,stroke?)
There is evidence that links periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. C-reactive protein is a systemic marker for inflammation. The plasma levels of this marker are predictive of future myocardial infarct and stroke. Patients with periodontitis have demonstrated elevated C-reactive protein levels. Some investigators have suggested that the chronic inflammatory burden of periodontitis may contribute to cardiovascular diseases.
Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis?
Studies suggest a connection between osteoporosis and the loss of bone in the jaw. Periodontal disease can also cause bone loss.
Are you pregnant?
Periodontal disease has been shown to be associated with pre-term delivery and low birth weight, both of which put infants at risk of experiencing increased medical complications.
Has a dentist or dental professional ever told you that you have gum disease or have you been treated for gum disease?
People who have had gum disease are more likely to have a recurrence of the disease. Good oral hygiene at home and regular dental visits to your dentist or dental professional can help avoid recurrence. The Clean Kiss Oral Care Solution uses botanicals proven to reduce gum disease.
Has a dentist or dental professional recommended you return for cleanings every three months?
Professional cleanings are recommended every 6 months for a healthy mouth and every three months if gum disease is diagnosed. Clean Kiss Oral Care Solution used twice a day with either manual or water flossing will keep your teeth clean and breath fresh.
Do you have a family history (parents or siblings) of gum disease?
In recent years, genetic markers have become available to determine various genotypes of patients regarding their susceptibility to periodontal diseases. Research has indicated that IL-1 genotype-positive patients show more advanced periodintitis lesion that IL-1 genotype-negative patients of the same age group. Also there is a trend to higher tooth loss in the IL-1 genotype-positive subjects.
Do your gums bleed?
Bleeding gums are a sign that you may have periodontal problems. Healthy gums usually do not bleed. If you smoke, you may have gum disease even though your gums don’t bleed. Ask your hygienist if you bleed when she measures your gum health.
Are your gums receding or making the appearance of your teeth longer?
Although receding gums may occur in a healthy mouth, they may be a sign of gum disease.
Have you noticed that your teeth are loose or that your bite has changed?
As gum disease progresses, teeth may loosen due to loss of the supporting bone that holds them in place
Have you had a tooth or teeth (other than your wisdom teeth) remov
70% of tooth loss is caused by gum disease. If gum disease is not treated or allowed to progress, it will result in the loss of teeth.
Do you frequently have bad breath?
Although bad breath is not always caused by gum disease, it usually is. The bacteria that cause gum disease produce sulfur as a waste product. Reduce this bacteria and your breath usually improves. If not, ask your dentist or doctor.
Do you visit your dentist at least twice per year?
Regular dental visits allow the dentist to help identify and/or treat gum disease at an earlier stage.
Do you brush and water floss your teeth twice each day?
Many studies have demonstrated significant reductions in probing pocket depths, attachment gains and, of course, in gingival inflammation with improvements in oral hygiene alone. The lack of oral hygiene encourages bacterial build-up and biofilm plaque formation, and can also increase certain species of pathogenic bacteria associated with more severe forms of periodontal diseases. Brushing with an electric toothbrush twice per day for two minutes is an important part of protecting your teeth and gums. Our Scrub toothpaste kills bacteria, protects enamel while gently whitening and leaves your mouth with a basic pH that resists bacteria between brushing.
Use of dental floss or other types of cleaners between your teeth helps to prevent gum disease. It is recommended that you floss at least once a day. Put a capful of Swish mouthwash in the water of your oral Irrigator to get bacteria killing ingredients below your gumline where your toothbrush can’t reach.
Do you use an antimicrobial mouth rinse (Examples – Clean Kiss Swish™ Listerine, Crest Pro-Health Rinse, Peridex™) twice daily?
The chemicals used in some antimicrobial mouth rinses and toothpastes are toxic. Clean Kiss kills and removes disease causing bacteria with non-toxic botanicals that promote growth of “good” bacteria.
Do you take anti-inflammatory supplements? (Examples-PerioTherapy™, PerioCare™)
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