The Meditz Method 12 week Oral Systemic Health Syllabus
This course is for you if you want to build a no stress, sustainable, profitable oral systemic health system in just 12 weeks without hiring more team or increased chair time. 12 weekly online meetings foster teamwork without adding extra responsibilities on any one person. Homework takes about 20 minutes per week and is role specific. Guaranteed $10,000 increased production per month starting month 12 or I work with you for free until achieved.
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Syllabus includes Homework assignments per Video:
Video 12.1 OSH Classification
Homework: Everyone watches the video. Doctor to approve or adjust protocols for class 1,2 and 3 to be reviewed during
your next support call. Administration to save OSH tx planner to its own file on the practice server, then check to make
sure it can be accessed by every room in the practice. You may need to contact your computer administrator, so contact
them early. We will check this on our next support call.
Video 12.2 Triage Assessment Form
Homework: Everyone watches the video. Hygienists should use the pre-frame form to practice choosing 2 patients per
day to assess and share their decisions with the team at the morning huddle. For now, simply appoint the chosen
patients for assessment at their next 3-month hygiene visit. Email to doctor’s email a picture of your completed preframe form with to share with team on your next support call.
Video 12.3 Hygiene Fees and Explosion Codes
Homework: Everyone watches the video. Administrators should review the hygiene fee worksheet and update your
practice fees so the worksheet reflects current fees accurately. Create explosion or expanding codes per your practice
management software.
Video 12.4 Preparing ROF (review of findings)
Homework: Everyone listen to the video. Hygienists to use the video to put together at least 4 ROF forms from existing
patients that we will review at our next support call. Administrators to check each administrative form (yellow tab) in
your tx planner to make sure it is personalized to your practice. Add forms to treatment planner if necessary. We will
review your work at the next support call.
Video 12.5 Treatment Portfolio Review
Homework: Everyone listen to the video. Administrators to put together an Assessment Protocol mock up using their
personalized forms in the treatment planner. The mock up will be presented and approved at the next support call.
Video 12.6 Perio Risk Assessment Heart
Homework: After watching the video, everyone practices explaining how periodontal disease increases heart risks using
the “garden hose” analogy to a friend or family member, or post what you learned on social media. End the
conversation with an invitation to schedule a FREE risk assessment. Be prepared to share this on our next support call.
Hygienists discuss the appropriate Perio Risk Assessment Video with recare patients and schedule the next Hygiene visit
as an Assessment Visit.
Video 12.7 Perio Risk Assessment Diabetes
Homework: After watching the video, everyone practices explaining how periodontal disease increases diabetes risks to
a friend or family member, or post what you learned on social media. End the conversation with an invitation to
schedule a FREE risk assessment. Be prepared to share this on our next support call. Hygienists discuss the appropriate
Perio Risk Assessment Video with recare patients and schedule the next Hygiene visit as an Assessment Visit.
Video 12.8 Clean Kiss Oral Care Homecare System
Homework: After watching the video, everyone takes the Homecare Quiz. Answers to be discussed at next support call.
Video 12.9 Pre-term Birth
Homework: After watching the video, everyone practices explaining how periodontal disease increases pre-term birth
risks to a friend or family member, or post what you learned on social media. End the conversation with an invitation to
schedule a FREE risk assessment. Be prepared to share this on our next support call. Hygienists discuss the appropriate
Perio Risk Assessment Video with recare patients and schedule the next Hygiene visit as an Assessment Visit.
Video 12.10 Red Complex Enzyme Test
Homework: Everyone watches the video. Hygienists practice taking the test on team, creating an ROF form first and
practice using the “It’s about Time” brochure to explain next steps. Administration re-orders test strips at
Video 12.11 A1c/Crp/Vitamin D Test
Homework: Everyone watches video. Hygienists practice taking test on team concluding with choosing 3 Medical Dental
News articles for “patient” to read. Administration makes sure testing lab portal is set up and results get put into the
patient’s portfolio. Replacement tests are ordered at
Video 12.12 Treatment Planning Decision Tree
Homework: Everyone watches video. Everyone takes Pre-Installation Quiz. Hygienist start live assessments with
appointed or triaged patients. Quiz answers will be discussed next support call.
Video 12.13 Preparing a Patient Portfolio
Homework: Everyone watches video. Administration creates 10 patient portfolios in advance to always keep on hand.
Treatment Coordinator uses team tests to create three completed Patient Portfolios to present at next support call.
Video 12.14 Treatment Presentation
Homework: Everyone watches video. Treatment Coordinator reviews Patient Portfolio and practices using sticky note
question prompts.
Video 12.15 Patient Presentation Ppt
Homework: Everyone watches video. Treatment Coordinator presents complete treatment plan using Patient Portfolio
and Patient Presentation ppt to “team patients”. Everyone takes Case Presentation Quiz. Answers will be discussed
next support call.
Video 12.16 Co-managing shared patients with their Physician
Homework: Everyone watch video. Once ROF appointment is set with patient, Treatment Coordinator sets up to 10 30-
minute support calls with Leona modeling how to start physician relationships at