How we love peppermint! Think peppermint candy canes hanging on the Christmas tree! Think pungent aroma wafting into the nostrils while sipping a cup of peppermint tea. And who wouldn’t love waiting for the movie to start by digging into a big box of Junior Mints candy?

Yes, we love the taste of peppermint, but did you know that peppermint is good for other things besides taste? Who could even fathom it has so many other uses? For instance, did you know peppermint oil can be used as an insect repellent? The little critters just hate the smell! Use it to deter mosquitoes, spiders, ants, cockroaches, and possibly lice and ticks. Mice are not too crazy about it either!

Peppermint Oil and the Skin

How about the body’s largest organ, the skin? In general, peppermint oil boosts skin health. In particular, it can relieve sunburn and protect against sunburn. It can promote hair growth and reduce dandruff when used on the scalp. Got itchy skin? Just rub in a little peppermint oil, but be careful when using it on skin. It’s powerful, so mix it with a carrier like coconut oil or, even better, massage oil. Also mix it in shampoo or conditioner if using it on the scalp. And, if your skin tends to be sensitive, try it on a small portion of skin first to determine the strength of the solution you should use.

Peppermint Oil and Internal Body Mass

Now, let’s go deeper into the body: Peppermint oil can relieve muscle and joint pain, provide care for sinuses, benefit the respiratory system, and along with the respiratory system, it can aid seasonal allergy relief.

Let’s talk about the digestive system, too: In a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, infants with colic were tested using peppermint oil to bring relief. Peppermint oil is better because it’s natural and thus produces none of the side effects of the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical, Simethione, a drug that is used to relieve bloating, gassiness, and stomach discomfort, and it is just as effective. however, as with any new protocol, check with your child’s Pediatrician first.

Additionally, peppermint oil has long been used for reducing nausea and treating indigestion and acid reflux. Inhaling peppermint oil directly from the bottle, adding a drop to a glass of distilled water, or interestingly, rubbing a drop or two behind the ears is sufficient to provided relief for nausea. If you suffer with indigestion or acid reflux or indigestion, try rubbing a very small portion mixed with carrier oil on the area around the stomach. Peppermint oil has also been found to improve the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Peppermint Oil and the Brain

Peppermint oil can go the head! Of course, when you breathe it, it travels up the respiratory passages and is transported though the blood-brain barrier, so, of course, it benefits the brain, which in turn affects the whole person. For example, University of Cincinnati’s Dr. Dember found that peppermint oil had the ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy. Consequently, the oil can be used to improve memory. For example, when studying for a test, try sniffing a little of this oil and then sniff it again as you take the test. Got a headache? Apply 2-3 drops on temples, forehead, and back of neck.

Peppermint oil has also been found to help with weight loss in that it directly affects the brain’s satiety canter, which triggers the sensation of fullness after a meal.

Peppermint Oil and General Health

Did you know that you could increase energy and improve exercise performance with peppermint oil? Studies have shown that males given an single oral dose of peppermint oil significantly increased grip force, standing vertical jump, and standing log jump. This test also showed an increased amount of air expelled from lungs, also peak breathing flow rate and exhaling flow rate.

Finally, peppermint oil can act as an anti-cancer agent. One study found that menthol, at chemical constituent of peppermint oil inhibited prostate cancer growth.

Other than what is listed above, indications for using peppermint oil are as follows: asthma, bronchitis, candida (yeast infection) diarrhea, fever, hemorrhoids, hot flashes, menstrual irregularity, motion sickness, shock, throat infections, and varicose veins. Its actions are anti-carcinogenic, anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-mucus, and anti-inflammatory. It is a decongestant, a cardiotonic, an expectorant, and more.

Peppermint Oil and the Oral Cavity

We have long used peppermint for sweetening breath and for oral care in toothpaste and mouthwash. However, as a general rule, the products we have used contain many unhealthy, even toxic ingredients. So the question is: How can I get the benefits of peppermint without harming my health due to other unhealthy ingredients in my oral care products?

A safe, healthy oral care product is available at Swish Mouthwash contains many other ingredients, all of which are safe and healthy and formulated to kill bacteria, prevent decay, heal gums, strengthen teeth, calm inflammation, and balance pH. Swish Mouthwash is part of a system. All products are designed to work together to make your mouth healthy. That’s why using any one product by itself will not give you the same health benefits.

This blog focuses on only one of the healthy ingredients in Swish Mouthwash. Other ingredients are delineated one-by-one on this Website.